Are we doing enough to protect right to clean air? April 29, 2013 APRC 2013 Articles of Bobby Ramakant Big Tobacco FCTC Indonesia Mayor passive smoking second hand smoke smokefree laws The Union TOBACCO tobacco industry +
73.6% child brides, 28% female literacy in Maharajganj UP April 25, 2013 Articles of Kulsum Mustafa bride child bride children gender girl girl child Maharajganj Plan India reproductive SRH SRHR violence against women women +
New technique to prevent diabetic lower-limb amputations April 21, 2013 AIMS amputation Amrita Sling Technique Articles of Shobha Shukla Charcot Foot diabetes Diabetes Atlas diabetic foot NCD NCDs non-communicable diseases PMMA +
Socialist Party (India) demands ending imports from China April 21, 2013 10ICAAP China FTA human rights India social justice Socialist Party trade +
We need new strategies to fight malaria, experts say April 17, 2013 Articles of Moses Wasamu health healthcare Malaria Roll Back Malaria treatment and care +
TB rates need to drop 10 times faster for elimination by 2050 April 15, 2013 APRC 2013 Articles of Bobby Ramakant Christian Lienhardt drug resistance elimination Hanoi MDR MDR-TB PMDT Stop TB Partnership TB The Union tuberculosis Viet Nam Vietnam WHO XDR XDR-TB +
Deadly synergy: Tobacco smoking and lung cancer April 12, 2013 APRC 2013 Articles of Bobby Ramakant cancer Hanoi lung cancer NCD NCDs non-communicable diseases passive smoking second hand smoke smoking surgery TOBACCO Viet Nam Vietnam +
World TB Day Commemoration in Swaziland April 12, 2013 Articles of Alice M Tembe health HIV Lung Health MDR-TB TB TB-HIV treatment and care tuberculosis World TB Day +
Do not miss lessons from roll out of new diagnostic tests for MDR-TB April 12, 2013 APRC 2013 Articles of Bobby Ramakant Cambodia Cepheid drug resistance GeneXpert Hanoi Indonesia MDR MDR-TB PMDT TB The Union tuberculosis Vietnam Xpert +
Migrants and TB: Trapped in conflict of border control and health policies April 11, 2013 APRC 2013 Articles of Bobby Ramakant border control Hanoi immigration IOM MDG migrants Stop TB TB The Union tuberculosis WHO +