Over 120 organisations call upon governments to protect WHO FCTC from tobacco industry interference October 31, 2016 Big Tobacco COP7 FCTC FCTC Article 5.3 TOBACCO tobacco industry WHO-FCTC +
Is it worthwhile to decentralize drug-resistant TB services? October 30, 2016 Articles of Alice M Tembe drug resistance Liverpool 2016 MDR MDR-TB TB tuberculosis XDR XDR-TB +
"I felt like a prisoner in the paediatric ward…" October 29, 2016 Articles of Alice M Tembe childhood TB conference coverage healthcare Liverpool 2016 Lung Health MDR MDR-TB TB tuberculosis +
New initiative seeks to coalese cancer organizations on tobacco tax October 29, 2016 Articles of Henry Neondo cancer Kenya lung cancer tax TOBACCO tobacco and health +
[Podcast] Ending TB warrants integrated responses beyond Ministries of Health: Dr Mario Raviglione October 28, 2016 Articles of Shobha Shukla CNS Inspire drug resistance Liverpool 2016 Mario Raviglione Podcast TB tuberculosis +
Transforming hope into reality for patients of drug-resistant TB October 28, 2016 Articles of Shobha Shukla Bedaquiline Delamanid drug resistance Liverpool 2016 MDR MDR-TB TB TB Alliance tuberculosis XDR XDR-TB +
Health ministers commit to reverse the tide of lung diseases and NCDs October 27, 2016 Articles of Shobha Shukla conference coverage FCTC Liverpool 2016 Lung Health MDR-TB NCDs Philippines Sri Lanka TB TB-HIV tobacco and health tuberculosis Zimbabwe +
Great strides in MDR-TB treatment October 26, 2016 Articles of Alice M Tembe conference coverage drug resistance End TB Liverpool 2016 Lung Health MDR MDR-TB Swaziland TB The Union treatment and care tuberculosis +
Without community participation we cannot end TB October 26, 2016 Articles of Shobha Shukla Community engagement conference coverage End TB HIV Liverpool 2016 Lung Health PREP research stigma Stop TB TB TB-HIV tuberculosis +
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies" October 25, 2016 AIDS Articles of Shobha Shukla CNS Inspire drug resistance health financing HIV HIV/AIDS MDR MDR-TB polio PPP TB tuberculosis XDR XDR-TB +