Babs Verblackt wrote on issues around the tuberculosis (TB) vaccines, on-site from the "Research and development of new TB vaccines" Symposium, Zaragoza, Spain (3-4 June 2010). Babs is freelance journalist, a Fellow of CNS Writers' Bureau and Associate Communications at TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative – TBVI). Read more
These CNS articles were published in a diverse range of media outlets of many countries including: India, Pakistan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Brunei Darussalam, Ghana, United Arab Emirates (UAE), USA, New Zealand, Bangladesh, South Korea, among others. CNS also used social media extensively to disseminate articles through Twitter (3000+), Facebook (2600+), younews, reddit, Google Buzz, Digg, newstrust,, AIDSspace, nowpublic and others. These articles were also disseminated via electronic discussion forums on specific issues like SEA-AIDS, Stop-TB, Lung Health, to name a few. Synopsis of these articles was translated in Thai language and broadcasted through FM 102.5 in Thailand.
Three CNS articles written by Babs Verblackt, from the "Research and development of new TB vaccines" Symposium, Zaragoza, Spain, are as follows:
Citizen News Service (CNS) and CNS Stop-TB Initiative
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