Still dancing without you
Alive but fading each second without you
Master of puppets
You asked me to leverage my best
Let go of my past
Burn like a candle
Eat dark and spread light
Burn little by little
Scald little by little
Die but live
like a cricket’s quiet courting song
like a cricket’s quiet courting song
Knowing the love is near yet long
Voice weak yet strong
Be the carriage of borrowed glow
Like a moon
Round still edgy
Like a moon
Round still edgy
Dark still beaming
With a belief in goodness
With a belief in goodness
On the edge of precipice
Wanting to fly on fall
But your words keep me grounded
My promise keeps me alive
Away from you,
To be with you,
With my words for you
Master of puppets
I wonder like calypso in Odyssey
Waiting for you to be immortal
Knowing that this is just a bubble
That you are gone
Leaving me alone
Asking me to wait
For the dawn
Master of puppets
Your dreams pepper and infuse
fancy in reality
bite after bite
fancy in reality
bite after bite
Of your love
thrust after thrust
thrust after thrust
Of your lust
cryptic and real
cryptic and real
Raged and surreal
Your memories
Your touch
Master of puppets
I rise like soufflé
rapidly falling in a fizz
drumbeats of your kiss
still banging in an abyss
You climb up in each moments
Moments that are broken
Moments those are empty
Moments that are bare
Because you are not there
But I am there keeping your words
Being alive
(C)Juztamom 2013
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