First day of a new chapter in my blogging journey, a 7 day festival dedicated to writing. During these 7 days I will be sharing my learnings from 7 different roles that I play/have played in my life.
What better way to start than with my children? Being a parent has been a wonderful and blissful journey. It is one of the most difficult yet most easy roles I have ever played. I am learning each day as a parent. There are some things that circumstances have taught me, some things other parents have taught me but my biggest teachers have been my two little cuddle puddle, my kids.
1) Be a kid: One of the biggest lessons my children have taught me is to be a kid. Have fun, enjoy, live each moment, fight and makeup..Be a kid
2) Unconditional love: No amount of punishment, no threats, no mean looks could deter away the lovely kisses and hugs of my kids. It doesn’t matter if I am upset or they are upset. It doesn’t matter whether I did [read bought] what he asked for, at the end of the day, the day is never over without a big sloppy kiss and a big bear family hug.
3) Patience: Being a parent takes a lot from you. Specially traits like personal space and patience. I do lose patience quite a lot but I am also surprised how much I can ignore stained walls, toppled milk glasses, dirty clothes and illogical antics. I never thought I was made for this but here I am smiling and cleaning away to glory.
4) Be kind: My elder one is one of the kindest souls I have ever met. He has taught me this virtue. He doesn’t differentiate; he is kind towards me and towards the household help also. He loves hugging. He hugs everyone he meets, even our building’s sweeper [Not kidding]. Since sweeper knows this, he cleans himself and waits for my son when he goes to school. That one hug brightens his face like a big huge diwali lantern.
5) Smile more: Absence of smile in our house is always taken as a frown. It doesn’t matter if you were absently looking at the wall and thinking but if you don’t smile, it is assumed that you are upset. So we all smile...a lot. And it does brings in a lot of positive energy in our house. We are a loud loud house with lots of giggles and laughs.
6) Let go: I have learnt to forgive, forget and let go. This is a very simple virtue but something very common in all the children. It has simplified my life. I have learnt letting go is one of hardest things to do but once you learn to do it; it gives you wings.
7) Cooking: Last but not the least I have taken up cooking big time now because my elder son is a big foodie and I do not want him to eat out a lot. Hence I am learning almost everything under the sun for him and enjoying it also.
These were a few things that my kids have taught me. I will be glad if you can share with me the things your children have taught you [If you are a parent] and if you are not a parent, then things that you think you have learnt from kids around you.
I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words 1st - 7th September 2013. This is my first post written for it..
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