What makes our home...ours?
Our house, the furniture,
The new cutlery or the picture frame
The matching curtain or the uncanny rug
What makes our home..ours?
The games, the fights,
Rock, paper, scissor OR hide and seek
The pile of clothes and the showing of teeth
The laughs the tears
The stories the fears
The collectibles, the memories,
What makes our home...ours?
The handprints on the wall
Or the imprints on our heart
The nicely stacked book case
Or the storybook hiding behind the vase
The tip toe of tiny feet in the afternoon
The shoo the shaa of little voices
Hiding behind the cabinet
Lost in wonderland
Refusing to sleep
The stories, the tickles
The tantrums and the giggles
What makes our home...ours?
Our hands held below the table
The footsie or the remote fight
The stolen hug, the caress,
Goodbyes and welcomes
The late night drives
Or our impromptu jives
The cold of the night
Or the warmth of the heart
What makes our home...ours
It is you, it is me,
It is us
We are our home
We are our world
Our home is ours because we are together
Seasons will change
Regions will change
Colors will fade
Black will become grey
Grey will become invisible
But hearts bonded for life
Destinies linked for life
This all will remain our miracle
We will remain us
We will make our home..ours forever
(C) Juztamom 2014
I am taking part in the Write tribe Festival of Words and Day 3 is Free Write Day. To participate or to know more about it please visit here
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