Music in the air
Music every where
I dance..I hop
I jiggle and I pop
I sing aloud,
And I hum in my breath
I hear the sound
I feel the rhythm
I don’t know
How to stop
May be I don’t want
to stop
I jive and I rock
I jiggle and I pop
To the music
The music of nature
Look at the trees
All green and grooving
Kissing the wind
And hugging the sun
Swaying to the tune
Of being one
with the nature
Each leaf is glowing
Each flower is smiling
Each branch is jiving
Not willing to stop
They shiver and they rock
To the music
The music of nature
Look at the birds
All cheerful and lyrical
One danced on the tip toe
One sang
One crooned
And one bowed
All poignant in rhythm
All cruising together
Forming a bond
Coloring the sky
Soaring and roaring
Moving and grooving
They jiggle and they lock
To the music
The music of nature
Look at the rainbow
So pure, so white
So colourful
Yet so light
Each color embodying the next
Each color filling the raindrops with zest
Each color sparkling
Each color absorbing
The melody of raindrops
The harmony of all white
And the peace of all colors together
Each color singing
Each color wiggling
To the sound of pitter patter
To the voice of nature
They cuddle and enfold
They form and they mould
To the music
The music of nature
(C) Juztamom
This is playing as a song in my mind even right now. I wish I knew how to write music. I would have written and saved the tune forever with the words.
This is playing as a song in my mind even right now. I wish I knew how to write music. I would have written and saved the tune forever with the words.
Shared with NaPoWriMo for the prompt "Look outside the window, note down the nouns, verb and color. And then mix and match"
Some of the fellow participants: – Janaki - Jaibala – Count – Rohan – Karan – Nithya
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