R For Repulsed

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

kitchen smells of old socks
tea tastes like toothpaste
animals can’t be tamed

AtoZ Challenge
R Repulsed

I never thought I will end up living with so many boys. Now that I am, life is a little different and a lot difficult. Things are never in their place and a lot of things end up in my food. I have had so many flavors of tea that I won't know from where to start and where to end, most common is mint flavored (with toothpaste). But I refuse to give up. Agree animals can't be tamed but as Mr. Pi Patel (From Life of Pi) rightly said " But animals can be trained"!! (Well in his case it was the tiger and  I have monkeys)

How much of an animal are you? And do you enjoy mint tea...if yes do stop by sometime! :D :D

And Some of the blogs that I love from Q are listed below. Do check them out.
Nabanita's Q is for Queasy 
Jaibala's Que Sera Sera

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here
