Trees swaying to the music
Some with orange hue
Some pink and some blue
She sits under them
Her wavy hair touching her face
and gently moving away
A book in her hand
A love story maybe
Just like theirs-
Just next to the trees
is their dream
Standing tall
White and cream
Painted with hands
Dipped in love
Their home
Each room,
is them
Each brick over another,
is them
glued together
The air smells of rose
Or maybe Jasmine
He was not sure
but it smells of her
this he was sure
A little sweet, a little minty
Somewhat like flowers, and
Somewhat misty
His life and his home, is
filled with her heart
The joy is palpable on his face
And then he got up from his sleep
Realizing it was all a dream
His heart broke a little
but not too much
He knew she was around
and she will soon give in
He walked to her room,
where he had kept her chained
From the day he abducted her
few years back
Soon, very soon
He thought
Soon, very soon
He told himself
Image source here
Linking with A Prompt A Day. Prompt 4 Quoted#1.The quote for inspiration is:
“Everything you can imagine is real” — Pablo Picasso
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