[CNS Rewind] Top 5 webinars of 2016

[Check out all webinars hosted by CNS here]
Looking back at all webinars hosted by CNS in 2016, we are compelled to say that each webinar, and issue it focussed on, is so very important, even today - thanks to all the panelists and participants. However if we look at some indicators such as the number of registrations, attendees, interaction on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook page, LinkedIn, email listservs, post-webinar media coverage, podcast and expert-presentation downloads, among others, here are top-5 webinar picks from 2016 CNS archives:
(June 2016: Watch webinar recording)

    (August 2016: Watch webinar recording or listen/download the podcast)

    (September 2016: Watch webinar recording or listen/download the podcast)

      (April 2016: Watch webinar recording)

      (December 2016: Watch webinar recording or listen/download the podcast)

      Check out all webinars hosted by CNS here!


      CNS Webinars Team
      Email | Website | YouTube | Twitter | Facebook | Podcast | Webinar
