GreekandLatinUCL (on YouTube)
The Department of Greek and Latin at UCL is one of the premier Classics departments in the UK. It offers study programmes at the BA, MA and PhD level, produces high-quality research and is keen to share its expertise with the general public. UCL Greek & Latin has more than ten permanent members of staff as well as part-time staff and postgraduate researchers with diverse backgrounds and a variety of research interests. We are a vibrant community that covers all the main areas of ancient Greek and Latin language and literature as well as aspects such as philosophy, palaeography, linguistics and the reception of the ancient world in the modern period. For more information on the Department visit:
Jo Balmer - Palladas: The Other Half Speaks Out
107 views3 years ago![]()
Alexander Sens (Georgetown) - Palladas and Hellenistic Epigram
412 views3 years ago![]()
Gianfranco Agosti (Rome) - Metrical inscriptions and P. CtYBR inv 4000 (...)
293 views3 years ago![]()
Edith Hall (KCL) - Some Palladian Presences
308 views3 years ago![]()
Lucia Floridi (Milan) - Skoptic Epigram in P. CtYBR inv.4000
385 views3 years ago![]()
Alan Cameron (Columbia) Palladas and Constantinople
1.1K views3 years ago![]()
Maria Kanellou (UCL) - Looking Back in Time: Iambic Echoes
256 views3 years ago![]()
Professor Denis Feeney - Ovid as a literary historian (Housman Lecture 2014)
2K views4 years ago![]()
Maria Kanellou - Aphrodite, Athena, and Epigram: the Story of Two Goddesses
1K views5 years ago![]()
Joseph Day - Reading Inscriptions in Literary Epigram
420 views5 years ago![]()
Marco Fantuzzi - Variations on the Music of Cybele
450 views5 years ago![]()
Mike Tueller - Sea and Land: Dividing Sepulchral Epigram
170 views5 years ago![]()
Doris Meyer - The Performance of Emotions
159 views5 years ago![]()
Joseph Romero - Philosophers in Greek Epigram
133 views5 years ago![]()
Kristoffel Demoen - The 'Bookishness' of Epigrams on Authors and Texts
326 views5 years ago![]()
Kathryn Gutzwiller - Dreadful Eros, Before and After Meleager
445 views5 years ago![]()
Lucia Floridi - Greek Scoptic Epigram, Ekphrasis, and Visual Arts
585 views5 years ago![]()
Valentina Garulli - Romans Making Greek Epigrams: Bilingual Writers in Rome
564 views5 years ago![]()
Simone Beta - The Riddles of the Fourteenth Book of the Palatine Anthology (..)
295 views5 years ago![]()
Ivana Petrovic - On the Origins and Setting of Greek Scoptic Epigram
555 views5 years ago![]()
Charles Campbell - Imitation, Variation, and Poetic Persona (..)
104 views5 years ago![]()
Chris Carey - Closing Remarks
132 views5 years ago![]()
Annette Harder - Generic variety in the Epigrams of Callimachus
388 views5 years ago![]()
Andrej Petrovic - Greek Literary Epigrams in Private Compilations of Hellenistic Age
574 views5 years ago
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