[First posted in AWOL 7 May 2012, updated 26 October 2018]
ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion
ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion
- Update September 2018: Welcome to the beta release of Logeion 2, built by Philip Posner, Ethan Della Rocca and Josh Day. Enjoy! Do go for a ride on the inverse word wheel.
- Logeion (literally, a place for words; in particular, a speaker's platform, or an archive) was developed after the example of dvlf.uchicago.edu, to provide simultaneous lookup of entries in the many reference works that make up the Perseus Classical collection. As always, we are grateful for the Perseus Project's generosity in sharing their data. None of this would be possible without their commitment to open access. To enhance this site as both a research and a pedagogical tool, we add information based on corpus data in the right side bar, as well as references to chapters in standard textbooks.
- Update March 2017: We are delighted to announce the advent of two new resources. First of all, a team of scholar volunteers led by Gérard Gréco has worked to make Gaffiot's famous 1934 Dictionnaire Latin Français available in digital and updated form (including frequency data and updated standard citations for texts, among many other things), and we are delighted to incorporate this work, Gaffiot 2016, in Logeion. Many thanks to Gérard Gréco and also to Mark de Wilde for helping us to work out our formatting problems.
- In addition, from Spain, we are delighted to add LMPG en línea, the digitized version of the lexicon for magic and religion in the Greek magical papyri originally published in 2001. Do visit the project's homepage to see the fuller array of functions available there. Many thanks, as always, to Prof. Somolinos and his team.
- Update January 2016: We are delighted to announce the advent of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources in Logeion. Many thanks to the British Academy (specifically, its Projects committee and its DMLBS committee), and in particular to the editor of DMLBS, Richard Ashdowne, for making this happen. We are thrilled to add another newly-released resource on the Latin side. Academic users: please do urge your libraries to purchase print copies of DMLBS (and DGE!), if they have not yet done so.
- Many thanks to Matt Shanahan, Josh Day, and XSLT wizard Alex Lee for their help in bringing DMLBS to Logeion.
- The Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources is the work of a century-long British Academy project, based first in London and then at the University of Oxford, that ran from 1913 to the completion of the printed dictionary in 2013. The DMLBS has been based wholly on original research and it documents the vocabulary of Latin in medieval Britain from the sixth to the sixteenth centuries. The DMLBS is a copyright work and the text appears on the Logeion site under licence from the British Academy, to whom we express our thanks. Users will find the following resources at the DMLBS project website helpful: A user's guide to the dictionary, the bibliography and notes to the bibliography, and guidelines for citing DMLBS.
- Hellenists also have reason to rejoice: The Woordenboek Grieks/Nederlands, a Dutch project in progress, has made its finished letter ranges available to us. We thank the editors-in-chief, Ineke Sluiter, Albert Rijksbaron, and Ton Kessels, and their project coordinator, Lucien van Beek. A full roster of the team of writers and editors, and further information about the project, can be found on its website. At Logeion we believe that all users stand to benefit from up-to-date Greek dictionaries such as DGE and Grieks/Nederlands, regardless of their mother tongue. This is the first dictionary that Walt Shandruk has handled for Logeion; and while it takes skill to adapt third-party data, Walt has dealt with that but also confronted third-party code - with aplomb. Many thanks.
- In other news, BWL, which is derived from a useful Dutch resource for intermediate Latin students, and illustrates important constructions and idiomatic usages of the most frequent Latin words, now features translations for its example sentences. This was a long-time desideratum, and we thank Rebekah Spearman for doing the last push that this project needed. She, however, cannot be held responsible for all the thousands of translated sentences! Please send your comments our way if you encounter problems. The other existing dictionaries, too, have seen the usual additional cleanup of infelicities in the original data entry process. Many thanks to all users who pointed out errors. If you find more, please report them: we are grateful for your assistance in incrementally improving this resource.
- Update January 2015: We are grateful to Philip Peek of Bowling Green State University for making available his file with vocabulary for Chase & Phillips.
- Update August 2014: In addition to the usual editing of existing dictionaries and morphology (keep reporting typos to us, please!), we are delighted to add a first author-specific lexicon on the Latin side, thanks to efforts at Dickinson College. Users will now encounter Frieze-Dennison's lexicon to Vergil's Aeneid for relevant entries. Many thanks to Christopher Francese and the DCC 'crew'! On another note, Logeion and the Logeion app got a mention in the New York Times, which we are thrilled about. We are, as always, grateful to Josh, Matt & Josh for developing this site and the app, and to the College of the University of Chicago for its support and its 'ambidextrous' undergrads, who know their way around Python and XML as well as around Greek and Latin.
- Update December 2013: We are delighted to announce that we are adding the premier dictionary for Ancient Greek, the Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE), to Logeion. Both for entries from DGE and from DuCange, we will include a link to these dictionaries' home sites for every entry we display. As we work on displaying these entries better, we recommend (also) visiting the home sites, which look positively elegant. This update also brings the Latin-Dutch dictionary, LaNe, up to date with the printed 6th edition, which will be coming out soon.
- Update October 2013: Logeion is now available as an app for iOS, so that you can consult it even without a working internet connection. Find the Logeion app in Apple's app store.
- Update January 2012: We have now added a Latin-Dutch dictionary to the collection: The Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands. One notable feature of this dictionary, for those who do not speak Dutch, is that a lot of attention has been paid to ensure accuracy of vowel length for the lexical entries. For further information see below.
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