Bibliography of the Arabic Bible: A Classified and Annotated History of Scholarship
In this research tool, we seek to provide a comprehensive and fully annotated bibliography of text editions and research in the field of Arabic Bible. Historical translations of the Bible into Arabic comprise countless manuscripts and fragments from the medieval period found in monasteries throughout the Middle East and libraries across the globe, as well as early and recent prints produced in Europe and in Arabic-speaking lands. These translations were made by Jews, Christians, and Samaritans, and were also used by Muslims in their discussions with members of the other Abrahamic religions. Arabic versions of the Bible were also translated from biblical materials in many different source languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic (Jewish Aramaic and Syriac), Latin, Greek, Coptic. This Bibliography of the Arabic Bible aims to aims to capture the history of research to date and to encompass the entire breadth of these translations, in keeping with the focus of the original research project, Biblia Arabica: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and Muslims.
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