Digital Classics issue of Studia UBB Digitalia
July 17th, 2018 by Gabriel Bodard
Extended deadline: Studia UBB Digitalia, Digital Classics edition
The deadline for submissions is January 15th
July 17th, 2018 by Gabriel Bodard
Extended deadline: Studia UBB Digitalia, Digital Classics edition
The deadline for submissions is January 15th
Forwarded for Annamária Pázsint:We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the following number of the journal Studia UBB Digitalia, which will be dedicated to digital classics, ancient history and archaeology.
Please find below details regarding the publication:
Studia UBB Digitalia (ISSN 2559-6721) is the official journal of the Transylvania Digital Humanities Center – DigiHUBB (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania). It is a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly publication, indexed in CEEOL and dealing with subjects of general interest in the field of digital humanities.
Its following number (4/2018) will be dedicated to digital classics, ancient history & archaeology, with a special focus on projects and initiatives pertaining to these fields. The subjects can include, but are not limited to, digital approaches to geo-visualization, non-invasive archaeological prospections, markup, scholarly annotation, photogrammetry, databases, etc.
The call in open to all scientists of the field, but we strongly encourage submissions from career researchers.
The deadline for submissions is November 1st 2018 and for the Authors Guidelines, please see the dedicated page on the journal’s website. For additional questions on this number of Studia UBB Digitalia, please contact dr. Rada Varga (
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