[First posted in AWOL 26 April 2010. Updated 13 November 2018 (This is no longer at the ROM website. Links now to the Internet Archive)]
Royal Ontario Museum Archaeological Newsletter
ISSN : 0563-9239
Royal Ontario Museum Archaeological Newsletter
ISSN : 0563-9239
The Archaeological Newsletter (ANL) began life in 1956 as a chatty letter from the trenches of the Jerusalem Project to ROM members back in Canada. The late Dr. Douglas A. Tushingham thought that members might like to be kept informed about the latest research that ROM archaeologists were doing in the field. The ANL proved to be very popular as members felt connected to their Museum and its research in a tangible way. They also enjoyed reading about how, even indirectly, their financial contributions were helping to further archaeological research at the ROM.In the years following, it evolved into a four-page, text and images report with each issue focusing on an individual aspect of on-going excavation, lab research or other archaeological work by ROM curators, staff or research associates. Topic areas have included interim reports on long-term excavation and survey projects, blood residue, petrographic, and use-wear analyses, detecting ceramic fakes, underwater archaeology, public archaeology, epigraphic recording, the early use of archaeological databases, and rock art research among many others. Articles have centred on research in areas as diverse as China, Ontario, Egypt and Sudan, Yemen, Belize, and Peru among others.The Archaeological Newsletter has been a favourite of ROM members and people interested in archaeology around the world. Prominent research libraries worldwide subscribe to the ANL and the ROM receives frequent research requests for back issues. We are pleased to now offer the Archaeological Newsletter online and plan to post back issues at a future date.Please check back frequently for new and archived issues!Latest IssueNo Garden in Eden: Hunting for Syria’s First Urban DwellersANL Archived Issues
Series IV, No. 6, December 2009
Clemens Reichel, Associate Curator (Ancient Near East), Department of World Cultures, ROM, & Assistant Professor (Mesopotamian Archaeology), Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto.
Archived IssuesMaking the Pottery Cross at the Monastery of St. Moses the Abyssinian, Syria
Series IV, No. 5, May 2009
Robert Mason, Department of World Cultures, ROM & Department of Near and Middle Eastern
Civilizations, University of Toronto.Monks and Masons at the Monastery of St. Moses the Abyssinian, Syria
Series IV, No. 4, December 2008
Robert Mason, Department of World Cultures, ROM & Department of Near and Middle Eastern
Civilizations, University of Toronto.Who Owns the Cave? - Zhoukoudian Cave Revisited.
Series IV, No. 3, May 2008
Chen Shen, Senior Curator, Department of World Cultures
Xiaoling Zhang, PhD Candidate, Chinese Academy of Sciences, BeijingA Horse’s Tail Tale or Not?
Series IV, No. 2, October 2007, by Mima KapchesAncient Beer: or the wayward ethnographic wanderings of an archaeologist
Series IV, No. 1, April 2007 Dr. Justin Jennings, Associate Curator, Department of World CulturesThe Tomb of Amenmose: Almost DoneMausoleum of Mamluk Emir Kabir Qurqumas in Cairo
Series III, No. 18, March 2006 Roberta L. Shaw, Assistant Curator, Department of World Cultures
Series III, No. 17, April 2005, by Krysztof Ciuk
Please note: Each archaeology newsletter is a PDF that opens in a new window.
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