[First posted in AWOL 6 February 2016, updated 19 April 2019]
e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha
e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha
e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha is a comprehensive bibliography of Christian Apocrypha research assembled and maintained by members of the North American Society for the Study of Christian Apocryphal Literature (NASSCAL). Entries for each text include a detailed description (a summary, the various titles used in scholarship, clavis numbers, and identification of related literature), an inventory of manuscript sources (with online images where available), an extensive bibliography (including online resources), and information about the text’s use in iconography and popular culture.
One of the primary goals of this resource is to encourage interaction and collaboration among scholars of the Christian Apocrypha. Entries are prepared by scholars working with the texts; users are encouraged to contact the contributors with suggestions for improvement or enhancement. The success of e-Clavis is contingent upon the willingness of users and contributors to exchange information and consistently update the entries.
e-Clavis is looking for volunteers to contribute entries for unassigned texts. Contact members of the editorial board for more information.
Act of Peter (CANT 190.I)
Act of Peter in Azotus
Acts and Martyrdom of Bartholomew
Acts and Martyrdom of James, the Brother of the Lord
Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew
Acts and Martyrdom of Matthias
Acts of Andrew
Acts of Andrew and Bartholomew (CANT 238)
Acts of Andrew and Matthias (CANT 236)
Acts of Andrew and Paul
Acts of Andrew and Philemon (CANT 240)
Acts of Barnabas (CANT 285)
Acts of Bartholomew
Acts of Bartholomew and Barnabas
Acts of Cornelius
Acts of James, Son of Zebedee
Acts of James the Just (CANT 276)
Acts of John (CANT 215)
Acts of John by Prochorus (CANT 218)
Acts of John in Rome (CANT 216)
Acts of Mar Mari
Acts of Mark (CANT 287)
Acts of Matthew and Andrew
Acts of Matthew and Andrew in the City of Kahenat (CANT 268)
Acts of Nereus and Achillius
Acts of Paul/Paul and Thecla
Acts of Paul and Andrew
Acts of Peter (CANT 190)
Acts of Peter and Andrew
Acts of Peter and Paul (Arabic, Ethiopic) (CANT 203)
Acts of Peter and Paul (Coptic) (CANT 201)
Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles (CANT 207)
Acts of Peter by Clement (CANT 205)
Acts of Philip (CANT 250)
Acts of Philip and Peter (CANT 252)
Acts of Pilate
Acts of Simon the Canaanite (CANT 282)
Acts of Stephen
Acts of Thaddaeus (CANT 299)
Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (CANT 193.2)
Acts of Thomas (CANT 245)
Acts of Thomas and His Wonderworking Skin (CANT 246)
Acts of Timothy (CANT 295)
Acts of Titus (CANT 298)
Adoration of the Magi
1 Apocryphal Apocalypse of John (CANT 331)
2 Apocryphal Apocalypse of John (CANT 332)
3 Apocryphal Apocalypse of John
(Latin) Apocalypse of John
Apocalypse of Paul
Apocalypse of Paul (Coptic) (CANT 323)
Apocalypse of Peter (Greek/Ethiopic) (CANT 317)
Apocalypse of Peter (Coptic) (CANT 324)
Apocalypse of Thomas (CANT 326)
Apocalypse of the Virgin (CANT 327)
Apocryphon of James
Apocryphon of John
Armenian Infancy Gospel (CANT 59)
Arabic Infancy Gospel (CANT 58)
Ascension of Isaiah
Assumption of the Virgin by Pseudo-Melito (CANT 111)
Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon
Birth of John, the Forerunner (CANT 180.3)
Book about the Birth of the Savior (Latin Infancy Gospel) (CANT 53)
Book of the Covenant
Book of the Rolls
Book of the Rooster
Book of the Resurrection of Christ by Bartholomew the Apostle
Book of Thomas the Contender
Books of Jeu
3 Corinthians (CANT 211.IV)
Dance of the Savior
Death of Judas according to Papias
Death of Pilate (Mors Pilati)
Decapitation of John the Forerunner (CANT 180.2)
Dialogue of Mary and Christ on the Departure of the Soul
Dialogue of the Savior (CANT 25)
Dialogue of the Revealer and John
Dialogue between Jesus and Andrew
Dialogue between Jesus and the Devil (CANT 84)
Dialogue of the Paralytic with Christ (CANT 85)
Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila
Discourse of the Savior
Discovery of John the Baptist’s Head
Doctrine of Addai (CANT 89)
Dormition of the Virgin by the Apostle John (CANT 101)
Dormition of the Virgin Transitus Greek R (CANT 102, 112)
Dream of Nero
Egerton Gospel (CANT 2)
Encomium on John the Baptist (CANT 185)
Encomium on Mary Magdalene (CANT 73)
Encomium of the Apostles by Severian of Gabala
Epistle of Christ and Abgar (CANT 88)
Epistle of Christ from Heaven (CANT 311)
Epistle of James to Quadratus (CANT 308)
Epistle of Lentulus (CANT 310)
Epistle of Pelagia (CANT 211.VI)
Letter of Peter to Philip (CANT 26)
Epistle of Pilate to Claudius
Epistle of Pilate to Tiberius
Epistle of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy (CANT 197)
Epistles of Paul and Seneca (CANT 306)
Epistles of Pilate and Herod (CANT 67)
Epistles of Pilate and Theodore
(Apocryphal) Epistle of Titus (CANT 307)
Epistle of Tiberius to Pilate
Epistle to the Alexandrians
Epistle to the Apostles
Epistle to the Laodiceans (CANT 305)
Exhortation of Peter
Fayyum Fragment
Freer Logion (CANT 21)
Gospel and Traditions of Matthias
Gospel of Barnabas (CANT 46)
Gospel of Bartholomew
Gospel of Gamaliel
Gospel of Jesus’ Wife
(Apocryphal) Gospel of John (CANT 44)
Gospel of Judas
Gospel of Mary (CANT 30)
Gospel of Nicodemus
Gospel of Peter
Gospel of Philip (CANT 20)
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (CANT 51)
Gospel of the Ebionites
Gospel of the Egyptians
Gospel of the Hebrews
Gospel of the Nazarenes
Gospel of the Savior (see Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon)
Gospel of Thomas (CANT 19)
Gospel of the Twelve (Syriac)
Greater Questions of Mary
Handing Over of Pilate (Paradosis Pilati)
Healing of Tiberius (CANT 69)
History of John (Syriac) (CANT 222)
History of Joseph the Carpenter (CANT 50)
History of Paul
History of Simon Cephas, the Chief of the Apostles (CANT 200)
History of Philip (CANT 253)
History of the Virgin (East Syriac) (CANT 94)
Homily on the Building of the First Church of the Virgin by Pseudo-Basil of Caesarea
Homily on the Dormition of the Virgin by Evodius of Rome (CANT 133–134)
Homily on the Dormition of the Virgin, by John of Thessalonica (CANT 103)
Homily on the Dormition of the Virgin, by Modestus (CANT 106)
Homily on the Life of Jesus and His Love for the Apostles (CANT 81)
Homily on the Life and the Passion of Christ by Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem
Homily on the Passion and Resurrection by Evodius of Rome
Homily on the Virgin Mary and Her Birth by Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem (CANT 132)
Hospitality of Dysmas (CANT 78.4)
Hospitality and Ointment of the Bandit (CANT 78.1)
Hospitality and Perfume of the Bandit (CANT 78.3)
Infancy Gospel of Thomas (CANT 57)
Investiture of Abbaton, the Angel of Death (CANT 334)
Investiture of the Archangel Gabriel
Investiture of the Archangel Michael
John and the Robber
John and Cerinthus
Lament of the Virgin (CANT 74)
Legend of Aphroditianus (CANT 55)
Legend of Simon and Theonoae
Legend of the Holy Rood Tree
Legend of the Thirty Silver Pieces
Letter of Luke
Life and Conduct of the Holy Women Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca
Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist (CANT 181)
Life and Miracles of Saint Thecla
Life of Mary (West Syriac)
Life of John the Baptist by Serapion (CANT 183)
Life of Judas
Life of Mary (Coptic)
Life of Mary Magdalene
Life of Peter (CANT 198)
Life of Titus
Martyrdom of Ananias
Martyrdom of Andrew (CANT 235)
Martyrdom of Bartholomew (CANT 260)
Martyrdom of James, Son of Alphaeus
Martyrdom of James, Son of Zebedee (CANT 273.2)
Martyrdom of John by Melito of Laodicea
Martyrdom of Luke (Arabic) (CANT 293)
Martyrdom of Mark (CANT 287)
Martyrdom of Matthew (CANT 269)
Martyrdom of Matthias (CANT 280.2)
Martyrdom of Paul the Apostle and the Discovery of his Severed Head
Martyrdom of the Blessed Apostle Paul by Pseudo-Linus (CANT 212)
Martyrdom of Peter and Paul (CANT 206)
Martyrdom of Blessed Peter the Apostle (Ps.-Linus) (CANT 191)
Martyrdom of Philip
Martyrdom of Simon and Jude
Martyrdom of Stephen
Martyrdom of Thomas
Martyrdom of Timothy
Martyrdom of Zechariah (CANT 180.1)
Memorial of John
Miracles of Jesus (CANT 45)
Miracles of Mary
Mysteries of John (CANT 333)
Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea (CANT 76)
Nativity of Mary (CANT 52)
On Herod and John the Baptist
On the Funeral of Jesus
Homily on the Life and the Passion of Christ, by Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem
On the Priesthood of Jesus (CANT 54)
On the Star by Pseudo-Eusebius of Caesarea
Papyrus Berlin 11710 (CANT 7)
Papyrus Merton 51
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 210
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 840 (CANT 1)
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 5072
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1224 (CANT 3)
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2949 (CANT 8)
Papyrus Cairensis 10735 (CANT 4)
Passion of John the Baptist (Ps.-Symeon Metaphrastes) (CANT 182)
Passion of the Apostles Peter and Paul (CANT 194)
Passion of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Ps.-Marcellus) (CANT 193.1)
Passion of Peter (Ps.-Abdias) (CANT 195)
Passion of Peter (Ps.-Symeon Metaphrastes) (CANT 196)
Passion of Peter and Paul (Ps.-Hegesippus) (CANT 192)
Pistis Sophia
Prayer of the Apostle Paul
Preaching of Bartholomew and Peter in the Oasis (CANT 261)
Preaching of James, Son of Zebedee (CANT 273.1)
Preaching of Jude, Brother of Jesus
Preaching of Peter (Arabic) (CANT 202)
Preaching of Peter (Coptic, Ethiopic) (CANT 204)
Preaching of Peter (CANT 208)
Preaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome (CANT 199)
Protevangelium of James (CANT 50)
Pseudo-Clementines (CANT 209)
Questions of Bartholomew (CANT 63)
Questions of James to John (CANT 279)
Questions of John
Questions of John to Abraham
Rebellion of Dimas (CANT 78.2)
Report of Pontius Pilate (Anaphora Pilati) (CANT 65)
(First) Revelation of James
(Second) Revelation of James
Revelation of John about Antichrist
Revelation of the Magi
Revelation of Matthew about the End Times
Revelation of Stephen
Revelation on the Lord’s Prayer
Second Discourse of the Great Seth
Secret Gospel of Mark (CANT 15)
Sibylline Oracles (CANT 319)
Six-Books Dormition of the Virgin (CANT 123, 124, 141)
Story of Joseph of Arimathea (CANT 77)
Testament of Our Savior
Tiburtine Sibyl (CANT 320)
Toledot Yeshu
Travels of Peter (Syriac)
Vengeance of the Savior (CANT 70)
Virtutes Iohannis (Ps.-Abdias) (CANT 219)
Vision of Theophilus (CANT 56)
Wisdom of Jesus Christ
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