[First posted in AWOL 14 June 2017, updated 12 April 2019]
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology
ISSN: 2360-266X
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology
ISSN: 2360-266X
The Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology is seeking to publish profound, rigorous, well-written, high-quality, high-impact papers to generate discussion, debate, fresh perspective.
The research area is the European continent and the Near East in the Greek-Roman times. The topics are: ancient history, ancient philology, epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, archaeological material, archaeological reports, digital archaeology, archaeometry, reviews.
We intend to have four issues per year
We strongly encourage the interdisciplinary or ‘bridge-building’ approach of different academic disciplines
We will use a peer-review system.
The readers will have free access and a pdf version of the published materials will be available for download.
We want to make the Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology a ‘must read’ publication for those who want to learn more about Ancient History.
Ancient History
Behrouz Afkhami
Ayman Waziry
James DoddArchaeology
Horatiu CocisNumismatics
Eleftheria Pappa
Ovidiu-Maxim Oargă
Benjamin D. R. HellingsMiscellanea
Vitalie BârcăBook Reviews
Costin Croitoru
Cristian Gazdac, Loredana Florea2018
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
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