Pythagoras Foundation Newsletter
Pythagoras Foundation is an information center about the philosophy of Pythagoras, Pythagoreans and presocratic philosophers.The main characters are: Pythagoras, Archytas, Philolaus, Alcmaeon, Nicomachus, Empedocles, Apollonius of Tyana, Hypatia of Alexandria and Theon.The Golden Verses of Pythagoras are an important part of the collection.Other topics are: Pythagorean way of life (including vegetarianism), Somnium Scipionis, Tabula Cebetis, Tetractys, harmony of the spheres, pentagram, reincarnation and the letter Y.The library collects all publications concerning the above mentioned items.It unlocks this information, put the bibliographic data in databases and makes them public. It propagates its goals through the media.The Foundation publishes a Newsletter once a year. The current Newsletter can be found on the Web site, older Newsletters can be requested.The Newsletter is also available via the Academia website.The Foundation is a non-profit organization; our newsletter is free of charge. Donations, also in the form of articles or books, are very welcome.
Newsletter 24, March 2019.Contents:
- Conferences , New books, Book reviews, Book chapters,
- Journal articles, Internet,
Click to download: PYTHAGORAS FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER 24 2018Newsletter 23, February 2018Contents:
- Jean-Claude PICOT , interview + CV
- Conferences , New books, Book reviews, Book chapters,
- Journal articles, Internet, Podcasts
Click to download: PYTHAGORAS FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER 23 2018Newsletter 22, February 2017Contents:
- Sarah B. Pomeroy, interview + CV
- Pythagorean women in the DATABASES
- Hypatia in the DATABASES
- Hypatia
- Museum of Pythagoras
- Basilica Pitagorica di Porta Maggiore)
- Conferences , New books, Book reviews, Book chapters,
- Journal articles, Internet
Click to download: PYTHAGORAS FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER 22 2017Newsletter 21, February 2016
- Pythagoras, Museo Capitolino Rome.
- David Hernández de la Fuente, interview + CV
- Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques (R. Goulet, ed)
- Basilica under Porta Maggiore
- Tabula Cebetis (
- Conferences , New books, Book reviews, Book chapters,
- Journal articles, Internet
Click to download: Pythagoras Foundation Newsletter 21.Newsletter 20, February 2015
- Tabula Cebetis, anonymus 1573,
- John Dillon, interview + CV.
- International Association for Presocratic Studies. Fourth Biennial Conference: 2014.
- Conferences, New books, New book chapters, Book reviews,
- New journal articles.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 19, February 2014
- Salvator Rosa, Pythagoras instructing the Fishermen, 1662,
- Internationales Harmonik Zentrum
- Gerard van der Horst 1927 – 2012
- Phillip Horky, interview
- Pythagorean week in Berlin
- Conferences, New books, forthcoming, New books,
New book chapters, Book reviews, New journal articles.This Newsletter can be requested by email: 18, Februari 2013
- Picture: Pythagoras at University Athens
- Jean Dierkens, The Pythagorean Education
- John Bremer, Plato’s Meno and the Pythagorean Principle
- Graham Pont, Review book, Kitty Ferguson, Pythagoras 2008
- Conferences, New books, New book chapters, Book reviews, Journal articles, Internet sites
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 17, Februari 2012
- Pitagora Museum in Crotone
- Christos C. Evangeliou, Pythagoras
- Graham Pont, Dowsing and the Anima Mundi or World Soul
- Nico Bader, Pythagoras Foundation, WCPO AND WUPO (2)
- Peter Adamson, The History of Philosophy Podcast
- Conferences, Presentations, Internet video, A lâmpada, New books, New book chapters, Book reviews,
- New journal articles, Books for sale
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 16, June 2011
- Seminar On Pythagoreanism, John Bremer;
- The Hero and the Philosopher,
- Conferences / Symposia, New books, New book chapters, Book reviews and New journal articles
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 15, December 2010
- INSTITUTO NEO-PITAGÓRICO Jay Kennedy; the Plato Code
- John Bremer; Plato, Pythagoras, and Stichometry
- Ernest G. McClain; Musical Adventures in Ancient Mythology
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 14, June 2010
- Johan C. Thom: interview
- Golden Verses, translated by Johan Thom
- The Death of Pythagoras, by Bruce Pennington,
- Conferences / Symposia
- News, New books, New book chapters, Book reviews
- New journal articles
- Internet, film
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 13, December 2009
- Stater of Kroton (coin 530-520 B.C.E.)
- Marcel Roggemans: interview p 4
- Recente boeken van Marcel Roggemans p 6
- Emil Kramer, Raphael’s School of Athens: the big picture (abstract)
- Graham Pont, A Monument of Pythagorean Scholarship
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 12, June 2009
- Krishnamurti postcard,
- Constantinos Macris: interview for the Pythagorean Foundation
- Constantinos Macris: curriculum vitae
- Nico Bader, Pythagoras Foundation, WCPO and WUPO (part 1)
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 11, December 2008
- Pythagoras advocating Vegetarianism (painting p 3 Peter Paul Rubens)
- Serge Mouraviev, Encyclopedie permanente, interactive et evolutive p 4
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 10, June 2008
- Crotone monument: Pythagoras and Alkmaion
- Graham Pont, Analogia: The Pythagorean Unity of the Liberal Arts and Professions
- James Rives, Apollonius of Tyana and the Theology of Sacrifice
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 9, December 2007
- Wouter Bleijenberg, ORDO ROSAE AUREAE (ORA) 50th Anniversary
- Luca Bemardini, Food for thought
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 8, June 2007
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 7, December 2006
- Mita Darbari, Ecology, Mathematics and Pythagoras
- Leslie Greenhill, Grand design in the work of Leonardo, Vitrivius, Plato and Herodotus.
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 6, June 2006
- Leonid Zhmud Pythagorean communities: from the individual to the collective portrait,
- Jurgen van den Hout. Van tetraktys tot toonklok. Een onderzoek naar de harmonie der sferen bij hedendaagse componisten (samenvatting)
- Joel Kalvesmaki I Number symbolism in the late second and early third century (abstract)
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 5, December 2005
- Tabula Cebetis (picture Francisco Foppens, Antwerpen 1672:
- Harmonie der sferen. OGC-symposium
- Anna S. Kuznetsova. The concept of Harmony in Ancient Philosophy (abstract)
- Linda Ardito, Pythagorean Musical Art in Historical Context (abstract)
- Nico Bader, Tabula Cebetis
- Conferences I Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email: 4, June 2005
- Ruud de Zwarte, Pythagorean Mathematics in an Archaic Temple at Paestum in South Italy
- Mita Darbari, Contribution of Pythagoras towards Women Empowerment
- Conferences, Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email:
Newsletter 3, December 2004
- Graham Pont, Pythagoreans in Australia,
- Rosala Garzuze, Pythagorean Medicine,
- Conferences, Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email:
Newsletter 2, June 2004
- AmbjOrn Naeve, The garden of Knowledge (abstract)
- Rosala Garzuze, The Golden Verses of Pythagoras,
- Conferences, Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous.
This Newsletter can be requested by email:
Newsletter 1, December 2003
- Gerard van der Horst, The Pythagorean Library of the Stichting Pythagoras
- Ronald Strong, The Pythagorean Library in Holland
- Conferences, Lectures, New books, Book chapters, Book reviews,
- Journal articles, Miscellaneous
This Newsletter can be requested by email:
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