Cited Loci of the Aeneid
It's a proof of concept of how next-generation tools for retrieving bibliographic information could look like.
Try it out to find articles in JSTOR that quote or refer to specific passages of Virgil's Aeneid.
+11k quotations, +12k references and +5.7k JSTOR articles made searchable trough an intuitive interface.
A visual index (heatmap) provides an overview of extracted quotations and references. Each cell represents a chunk of the text. The darker a cell, the higher the density of quotations and references within that chunk.Read
Matching articles from JSTOR are shown on the right-hand panel, together with the snippet of text where the quotation/reference was found and link to the article in JSTOR. The results can be filtered so as to show only article with either quotations of or references to the Virgilian text.
Thanks to the integration with the platform it is possible to annotate the visualisation (either privately or publicly). This way, you can take notes while you discover new articles related to the Aeneid.
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