Heidelberger Dokumentserver: Hellenic Languages and Classical Greek
Number of items at this level: 36.B
Boli, Theodora (2004) Olympiodor, Diakon von Alexandria, Kommentar zum Ekklesiastes : eine kritische Edition. [Dissertation]D
Drummen, Annemieke (2017) Language on stage. Particles in ancient Greek drama. [Dissertation]
Dzwiza, Kirsten (2012) Der Asteriskos als kritisches Zeichen in magischen Texten - Acht Beispiele in PGM VII und PGM XCIV. Acta Classica Univ. Debrecen, 48. pp. 149-165.F
Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca (2018) Introduction to the first epigraphy.info workshop in Heidelberg, 21st – 23rd March 2018. [Conference Item]
Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Cowey, James ; Gheldof, Tom ; Grieshaber, Frank ; Kurilić, Anamarija ; Liuzzo, Pietro (2019) Report on the second Epigraphy.info workshop held in Zadar, December 14-16, 2018 (Department of History, University of Zadar). [Conference Item]
Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Grieshaber, Frank (2016) Digital Epigraphy am Scheideweg? / Digital Epigraphy at a crossroads? [Conference Item]
Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Grieshaber, Frank (2018) Empfehlungen für eine offene kollaborative Plattform für die antike Epigraphik - epigraphy.info / Recommendation for an open collaborative platform for ancient epigraphy - epigraphy.info. [Other]
Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Grieshaber, Frank ; Cowey, James ; Lougovaya-Ast, Julia (2018) Report on the first epigraphy.info workshop in Heidelberg, March 21st-23rd, 2018. [Conference Item]G
Grethlein, Jonas (2017) Au commencement est l'épopée. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Die Antike - das 'nächste Fremde'? Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken (824). pp. 22-35.
Grethlein, Jonas (2018) The Eyes of Odysseus. Gaze, Desire and Control in the Odyssey. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Homeric motivation and modern narratology. The case of Penelope. CCJ online.
Grethlein, Jonas (2017) Lessing's Laocoon and the 'as-if' of aesthetic experience. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas (2017) Literary history! The case of ancient Greek literature. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas (2016) Lucian's response to Augustine: conversion and narrative in Confessions and Nigrinus. Religion in the Roman Empire (2/2). pp. 256-278.
Grethlein, Jonas (2018) More than minds. Experience, narrative and plot. Partial Answers.
Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Ornamental and Formulaic Patterns. The Semantic Significance of Form in Early Greek Vase-Painting and Homeric Epic. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas (2018) Truth, vividness and enactive narration in ancient Greek historiography. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas (2013) Zeit, Erzählung und Raum in Augustinus' Confessiones. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas (2017) The best of the Achaeans? Odysseus and Achilles in the Odyssey. [Book Section]
Grethlein, Jonas ; Huitink, Luuk (2017) Homer's vividness. An enactive approach. Journal of Hellenic Studies (137). pp. 67-91.H
Halbedl, Karl - Heinz (2012) Was sind die Impheis? Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Existenz von Unterethnien oder Teilethnien bei den Perrhaibern. Hermes, Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, 140 (2). pp. 230-235. ISSN 0018-0777
Huitink, Luuk (2018) Enargeia, Enactivism and the Ancient Readerly Imagination. [Book Section]
Huitink, Luuk (2013) Review: Deborah Beck, Speech Presentation in Homeric Epic. Bryn Mawr Classical Review (10.57).
Huitink, Luuk (2018) Xenophon. [Book Section]
Huitink, Luuk ; Rood, Tim (2016) Subordinate Officers in Xenophon's Anabasis. Histos Supplement (5). pp. 199-242.
Huitink, Luuk ; van Henten, Jan Willem (2018) Josephus. [Book Section]
Häußermann, Nikolai (2018) „al-Qāʿida al-Ṣulba“. „Die solide Basis“ des islamischen Staates (1953-2003), Band 1: 1953-1988. [Dissertation]K
Koutsogiannis, Charisios (2017) Untersuchungen zu den Weihreliefs an Artemis aus Klassischer Zeit. [Dissertation]
Kreij, Mark de (2014) The Metalanguage of Performance. A discourse perspective on particle use in Homer and Pindar. [Dissertation]T
Tagliabue, Aldo (2015) Heliodorus' reading of Lucian's Toxaris. Mnemosyne, online. pp. 1-23.
Tagliabue, Aldo (2015) Heliodorus's Aethiopica and the Odyssean Mnesterophonia: an intermedial reading. TAPA, 145 (2). pp. 445-468.
Tagliabue, Aldo (2017) Learning from Allegorical Images in the Book of Visions of The Shepherd of Hermas. Arethusa, 50 (2). pp. 221-255.
Tagliabue, Aldo (2017) Xenophon’s Ephesiaca - Introduction. [Book Section]
Tagliabue, Aldo (2016) An embodied reading of epiphanies in Aelius Aristides' Sacred Tales. Ramus, 45 (2). pp. 213-230.X
Xian, Ruobing (2017) Raumbeschreibung in der Odyssee. [Dissertation]
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