[First posted in AWOL 16 April 2017, updated 20 August 2019]
STRATA: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
ISSN: 2042-7867
STRATA: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
ISSN: 2042-7867
The Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society (AIAS) was founded in 1961 by Professor Yigal Yadin, Dr Alec Lerner, Leon Shalit and Dr Richard Barnett. The aims of the society are to:
- Make recent developments in the archaeology of Israel and neighbouring countries more widely known in the UK
- Provide a series of illustrated public presentations explaining and informing on recent archaeological findings and new theories
- Regularly publish Strata, an internationally respected journal consisting of original research papers
- Provide grants for students of Middle Eastern Archaeology
Free downloads of the early issues below:
Vol. 1 (1982)
vol. 2 (1982-1983)
Vol. 3 (1983-1984)
Vol. 4 (1984-1985)
Vol. 5 (1985-1986)
Vol. 6 (1986-1987)
Vol. 7 (1987-1988)
Vol. 8 (1988-1989)
Vol. 9 (1989-1990)
Vol. 10 (1990-1991)
Vol. 11 (1991-1992)
Vol. 12 (1992-1993)
Vol. 13 (1993-1994)
Vol. 14 (1994-1995)
Vol. 15 (1995-1996)
Vol. 16 (1998)
Vol. 17 (1999)
Vol. 18 (2000)
Subsequent volumes TOC only.Table of Contents
50 Years of the AIAS: Special Commemorative Reviews
Amihai Mazar, Israeli Archaeology: Achievements and the Current State of Research
Ilan Shachar, The Coins of Ancient Israel—Discoveries of the Last 50 Years
Dennis Mizzi, 60 Years of Qumran Archaeology
Research Articles
Ram Gophna and Yitzhak Paz, On Rural Aspects of the Urban Settlement System in Souwestern Canaan during the Early Bronze Age III
Juan Manuel Tebes, The Potter’s Will: Spheres of Production, Distribution, and Consumption of the Late Iron Age southern Transjordan-Negev Pottery
Egon H.E. Lass, Flotation Procedures in the Southern Levant: A Summary of 20 Years of Work, Part II
Archaeological Memoir
Bart Wagemakers, A Forgotten Diary and Photograph Collection as Valuable Records for the Historical and Archaeological Study of Israel and Transjordan
Book Reviews
Download the PDF reviews here.
Yossi Garfinkel, D. Ben-Shlomo, D. and N. Korn, Sha’ar HaGolan 3: The Symbolic Dimensions of the Yarmukian Culture: Canonization in Neolithic Art, 2010 (Rachel Bichener)
Koert van Bekkum, From Conquest to Coexistence: Ideology and Antiquarian Intent in the Historiography of Israel’s Settlement in Canaan, 2011 (Ovidiu Creangă)
Amnon Ben-Tor, Back To Masada, 2009 (Lester Grabbe)
Benjamin Sass and Joachim Marzahn, Aramaic and Figural Stamp Impressions on Bricks of the Sixth Century B.C. from Babylon, 2010 (John Healy)
Katell Berthelot and Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra (eds.), Aramaica Qumranica: Proceedings of the Conference on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran inAix-en-Provence 30 June–2 July 2008. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Volume 94, 2010 (Sandra Jacobs)
Albert I. Baumgarten, Hanan Eshel, Ranon Katzoff and Shani Tzoref (eds.), Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy, 2011 (Aaron Koller)
R. Greenberg and A. Keinan, Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank 1967–2007: A Sourcebook, 2009 (Aren Maier)
David P. Wright, Inventing God’s Law: How the Covenant Code of the Bible Used and Revised the Laws of Hammurabi 2009 (Meir Malul)
Sophie Démare-Lafont and André Lemaire (eds.), Trois millénaires de
formulaires juridiques 2010 (Karen Radner)
Hershel Shanks, Freeing the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other Adventures of an Archaeology Outsider. 2010 (Stephen Rosenberg)
Hershel Shanks, Jerusalem Forgery Conference, Special Report, 2010 (Stephen Rosenberg)
Mark J. Boda and Jamie Novotny (eds.), From the Foundations to the Crenellations. Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible, 2010 (Jonathon Stökl)
David J. Schloen (ed.), Exploring the Longue Durée: Essays in Honor of Lawrence E. Stager 2009 (Lena-Sofia Tieymeyer)
Izaak J. de Hulster and Rüdiger Schmitt (eds.), Iconography and Biblical Studies: Proceedings of the Iconography Sessions at the Joint EABS/SBL Conference, 22–26 July 2007, Vienna, Austria. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 361 2009 (H.G.M. Williamson)
Yonatan Mizrachi, Archaeology in the Shadow of the Conflict: The Mound of Ancient Jerusalem (City of David) in Silwan 2010 (H.G.M. Williamson)
Summaries of Lectures
Report from Jerusalem (Stephen Rosenberg)
Notes for Contributors and Membership Form
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